April 2021


For me April is when I really start to feel the energy of the new year and 2021 is coming in like a lion! It has been a wild month here at the farm… weeks of glorious sunshine has come with dry wind & unbelievebaly for April, fire danger. As spring is often filled with mixed blessings, so it goes on the flower farm. Hand watering for 2 hours a day has made me aware of the remarkable resiliance and rapid growth potentail of healthy seedlings. The hot, dry wind has toughened my hands and made them more resilient to rose thorns. Perhaps the most delightful surprise is the lack of spring weeds!

Since this is my first blog post, I’ll let you know that I think about the seasons in terms of a kind of list. My senses are so delighted by the constant abundance here at the farm. Each month ushers in new delights & I’ll attempt to recall them here, along with what I’m happily anticipating.

April Colors ~ Yellow forsythia, daffodils, the first dandelions, and the happiest early wildflower balsamroot ~ Violet for its namesake, crocus, and the fields of a lovely flower with a terrible name "grass widow" ~ Chartreuse found on the mossy rock walls and rolling hills of the eastern Gorge *hot tip* take drives often, the green hills in spring last for about 10 minutes ~ Fuchsia, perhaps my fav, in the tiniest delights of salmonberry flowers & the elusive calypso orchid

April Fauna ~ Doves, the mating pair has returned with their youngster ~ Robins, my namesake is supervising my watering in hopes of catching a few tasty fat worms ~ Variegated Thrushes, with their charming flash of orange ~ Bunnies, a farmer's most adorable nemesis. April is full of nervous nibblers and I’m all about their fortitude.

April Flavors ~ Parsley + Mint are lush in the garden right now ~ Lemons + Avocados are in season & unbelievably yummy ~ Arugula, Radishes, and Raab are also fresh and flavorful. I crave Mediterranean food in spring & these ingredients are the reason. Add some lamb & feta or potatoes & couscous and your April menu is set. 

April Treats ~ Violet Syrup, grab a cup of blossoms and heat with sugar water - Forsythia or Dandelion Honey, infuse some honey with these happy, yellow flowers ~ Mint Tea, I like to clean out honey jars by pouring in boiling water and shaking a bit. Add a lot of your favorite tea + a handful of mint stems and set out in the sun on a warm day. Strain and voilà, sweet mint tea concentrate for your fridge. This was a lifesaver during our heatwave!

Not to be missed in May ~ Morels, Asparagus, Apple blossoms, a trip to Schreiner's Iris Gardens.

Robyn Legun